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Walshhog Custom Baits

The "puzzle"

Posted by James Walsh on

Weather conditions. Is it sunny, cloudy, or maybe even raining? Water conditions. Is the water clear, muddy, or stained? Temperature. What is the water temp? Tide. Is there a falling tide, rising tide, slack tide?  Food source. What are the fish feeding on? crawfish, shad, shrimp, bluegill? The possibilities are endless. These are all just pieces of the puzzle. People always ask me, "which bait is the best bait?' This my friends is a loaded question. There are so many variables that go into figuring out what lure to fish with. Ever seen a professional Angler's arsenal? The professional angler's...

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Why a custom painted bait?

Posted by James Walsh on

Custom painted baits are unique, pieces of art. Unlike baits from “big box stores”

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Posted by James Walsh on

One of the biggest realizations I have been awakened to since I started selling custom painted baits/lures is that not many people are as passionate about fishing as I am. I’ve sold my Lures in person at a few different venues and have had the opportunity to meet so many different people from so many different walks of life. I have met some very passionate fishermen, but not many. I have met some people that are “not into fishing” but appreciate the art work of my lures. I’ve met some people that are interested in fishing, but for whatever reason...

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Spring is upon us!

Posted by James Walsh on

As the water heats up so does the fishing!

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New products added

Posted by James Walsh on

Walshhog Custom Baits has added a tools and accessories collection. We have a lot of the stuff I personally use on fishing trips. We have everything from line cutters, fishing reels, fish grabbers and even a head net for those pesky insects when you fishing in the marsh. We will constantly be adding new products, so be sure and check the site regularly. If there is a particular fishing product you are fond of send me an email and I might try to add it to the inventory. I’m always open to suggestions.

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